It was fed by a drum magazine that was placed horizontally on top of the gun's receiver. The Lewis gun was the standard light machine gun of British and Commonwealth forces during World War I. Behind the scenesĪ First World War-era Lewis machine gun provided the basis for the T-21. A long-range version with optics, the T-21B heavy blaster, was modeled after the T-21 design.

Shortly prior to the Battle of Yavin, a number of the stormtrooper] deployed to the planet Tatooine to search for a set of stolen Death Star plans carried T-21s. Magma troopers and Shadow Troopers were known to use the T-21. It delivered massive damage at long ranges, however had a low rate of fire and lacked optics. The T-21 light repeating blaster, also known as the T-21 heavy blaster, was a model of light repeating blaster used by some of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps.