But for me the biggest offender are some of the features they put in for the sake of "realism." I have a strong dislike for VC for the many reasons some of which are the same as yours.

Thus Being a scot is extra hard in an already difficult early game. Plus the cost of sea travel is increased due to the distance from Frisia. all the best trading destinations are far away and there are thousands of raiders/bandits crawling the land between you and southern shore.

You start in a place that is very bad for trade. It's beause I was starting as Pagan, Scoto-Picton. P.S I don't want to reduce difficulty I play mostly normal (107%)ĮDIT: ok I think i figured out why my start was soo difficult. So is there anything I'm missing ? how do I pick up in early game(It's not that early since i've put about 9 hours into it without progress but still) There are also lords who only seem to give the mercenary or "start the war" quests, which i don't want as I'm trying to stay neutral.

the reward was only 600! = net loss of 750! at which point I lost my shit and came to ragepost here) The only way I've found to make money so far are training grounds, when I'm the last standing i get 250p, my success rate on that is about 1 out of 20 fights.

there were couple of quests (like bring stone from the quarry) that actually makes you spend more money than you earn from it (each load cost approx 250, I needed to buy 5 which i did(was fighting tourneys for 3 hours to get enough money). I have no armor, weapons or money to hire/keep anyone. I can't complete any quests because they require taking out a group of bandits or delivering things across the country(tried several times but can't escape bandits and vikings without losing all the merchandise). must have 1000s of hours put into the game but I'm still having trouble with VC.