Immediately plays upon consuming the materials to progress to stage 1 of Transcendence for that Eternal. Defeat all other Eternals in a one-on-one gauntlet, and then defeat your respective Eternal with your own party. After going through the uncap process and obtaining a Pure Weapon Soul, it can be spent to start a new fate episode where the Eternal will fight the related Revenant Weapon. This is the first step in unlocking an Eternal's 5★ uncap. Defeat the Eternal in a one-on-one rematch. Unlocked after fully-upgrading the Eternal's respective Revenant Weapon. Three "Encounter" cutscenes that occur depending on the upgrade level of their respective Revenant Weapon. The Eternals See also Fate Episodes/Eternals The character must be at 5★ max level to unlock it. Only a select few characters have a final uncap star.
The character must be at 4★ max level to unlock it.
Unlocks a character's final uncap star.
Can also unlock the final uncap star for the character's associated unlock weapon. Some characters need to clear a certain point of the Main Story in order to unlock their first fate episode.
Not all character have intro fates, such as the free Story Characters.
A cutscene-only episode which shows how the character meets and joins the Main Character. Most character Fate Episodes follow a standard format, but there are exceptions.