Rubber is supplied by Rubber Trees, which can be discerned from regular trees by the presence of an extra 3 blocks of leaves on the top-center of the tree these trees are most plentiful in swamp biomes but can also be found in forest biomes as well. IC2 adds 5 new resources for players to find within their world: Rubber, Copper, Tin, Lead, and Uranium. Please keep in mind as this guide is followed that some differences may be seen in game play and progression due to this. The most widely known one of these is GregTech, however, other mods make some changes as well or add items to the Forge ore dictionary that may change game play. There are some mods that affect the way IC2 recipes and machines work, as well as change the world generation. This mod is considered to be a base mod with many mods based off of its mechanics as well as some mods that modify recipes/mechanics.

It offers machines that can double ore output and generate power, as well as nuclear power and quantum armor. IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) adds a variety of electrically-powered machines to the Minecraft world, bringing Minecraft to the Industrial Age and beyond.